Digital Content

It all begins with intriguing digital content (15-minute “chapters”) that are sent out every Monday.  Essentially, these are short mini-movies that combine the creativity of video (multiple locations, music, editing, etc.) with the kinds of ideas that are typically communicated in sermons.  These can be watched, and also forwarded to friends who may be interested in the topics discussed. The content thus provides for outreach, as well as spiritual formation, and perhaps most importantly provides hub of connection for the “Sunday Brunch” communities explained below.

Sunday Brunch

Sunday Brunch (which will happen virtually at first, and then in-person as things open up) will be held at a local venue (restaurant, gallery, small theater, etc.) for somewhere between 10-25 people.  Participants will eat together, experience a creative liturgy “package” (about 10-15 minutes of music, spoken word, prayer, etc.) and a brief re-cap or expansion (about 10-15 minutes) of the key ideas in the weekly video.  This will be followed by 30 minutes of conversation around the tables, designed to get participants further engaged with both the content and each other.  Think of this as sort of like a weekly “Alpha” class, with a wider range of topics.  Further, these “micro-sites” can happen simultaneously at multiple locations on Sunday mornings (including an on-gong virtual group), with a monthly Sunday evening extended worship time drawing everyone together on a regular basis.

Spiritual Direction

The third leg of the Phase One stool is one-on-one coaching that will be a hybrid of classic discipleship and spiritual direction.  Essentially, this is an on-going opportunity for personalized spiritual growth.  Initially, participants will meet with a Spiritual Director (at first, this will be pastors; others will be trained in this as time goes on) who will hear their story, and help them identify several key spiritual development goals.  The sponsor and the participant will then develop a plan for the participant (specific spiritual habits or practices to engage in), and then will meet together regularly to check-in and provide specific encouragement and coaching.